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​How We Work  


We live and work together just outside the center of Paris. Every morning, we begin with Bible reading and prayer before starting our daily tasks.  


A typical workday in the office runs from 9:00 AM to about 5:30 PM. Twice a week, we head out to evangelize on the streets. On Sundays, we usually attend a local evangelical church service in the morning and host a house group with new believers in the evening.  


In the office, we focus on:  

- Developing and translating the evangelistic website WonByOne.  

- Creating updates and evangelistic posts for social media.  

- Recording teaching materials for videos, podcasts, and YouTube.  

- Designing a clothing collection to share the message of Jesus.  


Our vision is to creatively share the Gospel to reach the upraising generation.  


The combination of street evangelism and online ministry is essential for us. Engaging with people face-to-face gives us valuable insights into their needs and questions, which helps us refine and improve our digital tools.  


Want to learn more about our dreams and vision for the future? Read more here...  



Do You Feel Called? 


Do you sense God calling you to serve in France or Europe? We would love to hear from you!  


Contact us: arvid[at]Jesus2Europe[.]com  


A Call to Become a Missionary 


Jesus says in Luke 10:2:  «The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.» 


We see that many people, especially among the younger generation, are open to hearing the Gospel. To reach them, we need missionaries who can share the Good News and lead them to become disciples of Jesus Christ. We believe God is calling people to mission. Could you be one of them?  


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